Planned Preventive Maintenance for Air Conditioning


  • Air Conditioning Servicing will be approximate 2/3 hours depend on how big is the AC capacity exists in your property.
  • The Service will include Cleaning of your “ Filters , Strainers, Drain Line , Coils , Grills , Coils , Diffuser “.
  • Checking the function of systems “ Thermostat , voltage , switches ,Motor , belts , fans , Gas Pressure”.


  • The quality of the indoor air is improved which provides the occupants a healthier air to breath.
  • poor indoor air quality can cause or contribute to the development of chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
  • Most important part of ensuring the correct running of systems.
  • Reduce the time spent on inconvenient and expensive repairs/ callouts.
  • Regular planned preventive maintenance cuts down such breakdowns and the inconvenience and expenses.


  • Our Service will commence from the 1st April 2020 for all of our Properties and will last for a month period.
  • Expected duration will last from 2 to 4 hours depends on the property size, number of AC units and if required Roof Access.

Villas’s Scope of Service


Outdoor unit

  1. 1 Condenser coil pressure wash with water.
  2. 2 Refrigerant pressure test suction and discharge.
  3. 3 Condenser fan testing of abnormality.
  4. 4 Checking of outdoor unit controllers.
  5. 5 Leak testing.

Indoor unit

  1. 1 Filter service.
  2. 2 Cooling coli checking for blockage if any block need to do pressure wash.
  3. 3 Drain line flushing.
  4. 4 Supply fan testing for abnormality.
  5. 5 Supply and return grill cleaning.
  6. 6 Testing communication of thermostat.

Apartment's Scope of Service


Indoor unit

  1. 1 Filter service.
  2. 2 Cooling coli checking for blockage if any block need to do pressure wash.
  3. 3 Drain line flushing.
  4. 4 Supply fan testing for abnormality.
  5. 5 Supply and return grill cleaning.
  6. 6 Testing communication of thermostat.
  7. 7 Testing of operation of Actuators.
  8. 8 Checking of chilled water circulation.